Daily Chess Challenge
Your Daily Dose of Chess, Straight to Your Inbox
Improving at chess requires consistent, active practice where you test your abilities and exit your comfort zone rather than just passively learning. Here’s how Daily Chess Challenge can help:
1. Sign up for free to receive a hand-picked, high-quality chess puzzle in your email inbox daily.
2. Try to solve the puzzle, and review the solution afterwards.
3. (Optional) Upgrade to receive more detailed solutions with alternative variations and explanations, plus an accompanying video solution where I explain step-by-step how a master-level player would tackle each puzzle.
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Sample Puzzle

Pro Solution
1…Nd6! It’s important for black to keep the knights on the board. If black were to exchange this piece, white would have no troubles pushing their pawn to b5 and putting pressure on black’s queenside. Now, with the d6 knight covering b5, white will find it much harder to generate any pressure on the queenside. If white tries to reposition their knight to a better square, then c4 will become weaker, and at the right moment we might consider jumping into c4 with our knight.
1…Nxf2? This is another attractive and ‘puzzle-like’ tactical move, however, if you calculate a couple of moves ahead, white’s king is actually very safe, and black doesn’t have enough compensation for the sacrificed piece (see video explanation below for more details).
1…Nxd2?! This is a mistake, as after white recaptures, now white can play b5 whenever they please, whereas black has little counterplay of their own.
Accompanying Video Explanation
About Me

Hi! I’m Fide Master (FM) Jack Puccini from Melbourne, Australia, and I’m a chess coach and player. I bring more than a decade of coaching experience, having taught players ranging from complete beginners to advanced experts.
I believe that chess is fundamentally a game of skill, rather than knowledge. Accordingly, improving at chess involves developing skills, instead of just passively consuming content (sometimes called ‘reading/listening and nodding’) . That’s why I created Daily Chess Challenge – to allow players to improve their skills in a consistent and convenient way.
Some of my chess playing and coaching achievements include:
- Fide Rating: 2342
- Top 15 Rated Players in Australia (Both FIDE and ACF Ratings)
- Former Australian Blitz Champion
- Coached junior players to both State and National Championship level